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Connecting Cargo to Unreal
Maxx Burman avatar
Written by Maxx Burman
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Initial Setup

Make sure you're using a supported Unreal version before attempting software setup.

To install the Cargo plugin into Unreal (Software Setup), first, follow the Basic Software Setup guide.

You can view a step-by-step video of connecting Cargo to Unreal HERE.

Cargo will ask you what version of Unreal you want to install the plugin for.

You’ll need to close Unreal and the Epic Games Launcher before continuing.

After you have selected your version of Unreal, Cargo will install all necessary files to your computer and prompt you to activate your plugin within Unreal.

Step 1 of 3

When you see the window above, please move over to Unreal to enable the Cargo plugin:

From the main menu in Unreal, go to Edit > Plugins.
This opens the Plugins window.

Find the Cargo plugin using the list on the left of the screen.
Alternatively, enter Cargo in the Search box to search for all plugin names and descriptions that contain this term.

Step 2 of 3

To enable the plugin, click the checkbox next to it

Step 3 of 3

Please note the location of the Cargo plugin in the toolbar.

You can connect/disconnect the project plugin by clicking the Cargo icon in your toolbar.

And that’s it!

Unreal is now connected to Cargo. You can now import assets directly to your scene.

⚠️ Cargo does not support versions of Unreal installed using source.

Unreal Troubleshooting

Unreal Not Detected by Cargo

If Unreal is still not detected by Cargo, run “Verify” on your installs of Unreal in the Epic Games launcher.

Once complete, connect Cargo to Unreal using the steps above. That should resolve the issue.

Cargo plugin installation can't find Unreal

Ensure your version of Unreal is supported : Cargo Supported Software

Try Advanced Setup and help Cargo locate your UnrealEditor.exe

If the Cargo Plugin does not show up in the Unreal Toolbar

If the Cargo Plugin does not show up in your toolbar, ensure that the plugin is enabled.

You can access the Plugins settings in Unreal by accessing these menu actions:

Edit > Plugins > KitBash3D

Connecting Cargo to a different Project

If you would like to change which project Cargo is connected to, you can disconnect Cargo from the currently connected project and connect it to a new one.

Please ensure at any given time that only one project is connected, otherwise Cargo may not correctly send models and materials into the right project.

Delete previously installed, project-based plugins

By deleting old Cargo plugins, it ensures that future updates to the Unreal plugin are successful and Cargo can connect to the correct version of Unreal.
If you've been with Cargo since the beginning, you may still have the deprecated plugin hanging around.

To delete the previously installed Cargo Project-based plugins, you'll navigate to where your Unreal Projects are located.

Inside each folder, there will be a "Plugins" folder.

Once you navigate into the "Plugins" folder, you'll see the "Cargo" folder for our project-based plugin.

You'll want to then delete the folder. By doing so you'll clear the plugin from that project, and this will ensure that our Engine-wide plugin will work well and be properly updated.

Cannot import assets into Unreal

If you've successfully enabled the Cargo plugin within Unreal but are receiving an error message after attempting to import an asset, please review the below steps.

First, ensure you're using a supported version of Unreal.

Completely removing all associated Cargo files will ensure that a reinstallation of Cargo is successful at resolving your issue.

Remove Cargo application files - Windows

  1. Navigate to: C:\Users\<YourUsername>\AppData\Roaming

  2. Delete kitbash3d folder

  3. Delete Cargo by KitBash3D folder

  4. Empty Recycle Bin

Uninstall Cargo

  1. From the Start menu, run the Window Uninstaller to uninstall Cargo

  2. Ensure the app has been cleared from your Recycle Bin

Reinstall Cargo

  1. Verify your version of UE through the Epic Launcher (shown above)

  2. Ensure your UE is shut down

  3. Install the latest version of Cargo from
    (note the file name of the Cargo application is NOT the version number)

  4. Log into Cargo


  6. Allow Cargo to install the plugin into UE

  7. Open UE and enable the Cargo plugin in all locations

  8. Select an asset to import

Cargo Logs

If the above steps do not allow you to import an asset into Unreal after a reinstallation, locating and sending the logs from the dates you experienced the issue will be helpful for the team to see what's going on behind the scenes.

Windows OS

Take the below steps

  1. In the File Explorer, navigate to: Windows: C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\kitbash3d\Logs\cargo.log
    There are two logs here: cargo.log and cargo-platform-services.log.

  2. Zip up this folder and reply back to us with the logs from the date you experienced the issue

  3. We'll get back to you as soon as our team is able to review the logs.


  1. In Finder, use CMD+SHIFT+. to reveal hidden folders

  2. In /Users locate the /kitbash3d/ folder

  3. In /kitbash3d/ folder, locate the logs folder

  4. Please email us the most recent files from the Logs folder.

Once our team is able to review the logs, we'll get back to you with more information about the issue you experienced.

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