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Can I use your Kits in software you don't natively support?
Can I use your Kits in software you don't natively support?

We offer FBX and OBJ formats that should work in 3D software that we don't natively support.

Noah avatar
Written by Noah
Updated over a week ago

Short answer:

If your preferred software isn't something we natively support, try opening one of our FBX or OBJ files. You can test it out with our free Mini Kit first before you buy a full kit.

Long answer:

KitBashers are using a wide variety of different 3D software! We do our best to keep up and collect guidance from our community on how to use our Kits in different software, but since we're not experts in these programs, we can't provide direct support for them.

If you don't find what you're looking for below, try asking around in our Discord community! And if you do find something that works, let us know so we can add it here!

You can use FBX files in, but you will need to relink the textures manually.

Note: By default Clara sets all new scenes to public and shareable. If you are using KitBash3D assets in Clara, be sure to make your project private. Using KitBash3D assets in a public project would violate our End User License Agreement.

Daz 3D

We haven't personally tested our kits in Daz 3D yet, but we have had a few of our customers do so. From what they reported, they couldn't import the kit directly into Daz, but rather had to first import it into Hexagon, and then send it to Daz from there.

Element 3d

To use our kits successfully in Element 3d, you need to import them into a full-featured 3D package first, and then export individual .OBJs for each model that you want to use. If you don't already use any dedicated 3D software, you can try Blender for free.

Element 3d has some specific requirements for how a .OBJ is exported, but the folks at Video Copilot have put together a quick guide which goes over the necessary settings here.

Game Guru

Some KitBashers have told us that you can convert our FBX files to the X files needed for Game Guru, but there may be some additional setup needed. If you have any tips let us know!


Some KitBashers use our FBX files in Modo. To do so, you may need to do some cleanup to correct texture assignment. Here are some tips we have received from the community:

When loading the FBX into Modo, the UV map assignment gets jumbled. In Modo's Shader Tree a texture is assigned _one_ UV map name. It then tries to find this UV map in all of the objects that use that material/texture.

For example the Stone_Blocks material's diffuse texture uses the UV map name "Texture" (the default in Modo). But in some objects the UV map is named "map1" instead (or "Channel 1", etc.).

You can fix this issue by renaming all of those to "Texture" (see screenshots below).

Octane (Standalone)

KitBashers who use Octane's standalone renderer inform us that they prefer to first layout and compose their scene in a fully-featured 3D software (like Maya, 3ds Max, or Blender). Once they have everything placed and organized to their liking, they export an FBX of the complete scene and bring it into Octane.

Revit / Rhino

KitBashers who use Rhino have reported mixed results. Because Rhino is a nurbs-based software and all of our kits are polygon based, Rhino can struggle with the complexity of some of our heavier kits.


To our knowledge, the only way to import our kits into SketchUp is using the FluidImporter plugin ( Even though our models are very efficient for the amount of detail they contain, they are very high-poly by SketchUp standards and may not perform well. Try downloading the free trial of Fluid Importer, and our free sample kit, to test it out before making any purchases.


KitBashers who use VRED tell us that there isn't a way to transfer material properties and their textures into VRED. Given that, to use our Kits in VRED you will need to rebuild the materials and manually apply the textures.


We've also been asked about E-on Vue, VRED, and World Creator 2, but we haven't received any information from the community about those yet. If you try it out, let us know how it goes so we can add to this article and help others!

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